Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear Mr. Darcy, are you real?

As a young lady growing up I was infatuated by the character of Mr. Darcy in Pride & Prejudice.  Heck, there is a sentimental part of me that always will be enamored of Mr. Darcy and admire the hope within Elizabeth that things could be different.  As I watched my favorite Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth, as if that needs to be said) walk up and accept an Oscar I asked myself why was I so excited for him? CAUSE HE'S MR. DARCY!!!??? duh!  (btw, the best version of Pride & Prejudice is the A&E version)  He can play kings and fathers and whatever he likes, but Colin Firth will forever be my Mr. Darcy.  Jane Austen must have known as she wrote the book that her characters would impact the world far after she would be gone.  I wonder if she knew that girls and women everywhere would fall in love with her leading and fallible leading man, and that he would become an ideal much bigger than his persona. 

There is something so lovable about the man who was at first so arrogant and prideful about being a wealthy and titled man.  Despite all of his faults, you hope he changes because he was clearly meant for impoverished heroine, Elizabeth.  Through a long series of events that unfolds a little too perfectly for it to be believed, we see the metamorphosis of both Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy into hero and heroine that move the reader and viewer into hoping that true love does exist.  That there is a Mr. Darcy out there for everyone.  But, is there? 

True love, love at first sight, Mr. Right, are these real things or just girlish ideals? Some of us married women would say that though not perfect, that Mr. Right is out there! You know, until he sleeps with our best friends or runs off with some secretary at work.  He might even become an alcoholic, or become addicted to prescription pain medications.  Has he changed? Is Mr. Darcy real?

I am so blessed to have my Mr. Darcy.  He is not perfect, but neither am I.  There have been times in our relationship that neither of us is proud of, and many that still hold regret.  There have been times that would have ended many relationships, but we have chosen to love each other through the hard times and we enjoy the good times with the same dedication.  Mr. Darcy is a character in a book.  The real thing is going to mess up, say the wrong thing, forget that birthdays and Valentine's Day is special for you, be grouchy, and even make bad choices with serious errors in judgment.  But he is real.  And if you chose him right, if he loves God more than you, if he works hard to support the family the best he can, then you probably have your Mr. Darcy.  If you don't have your Mr. Darcy, let me say this plainly.  The best advice anyone can give you ... is wait.  Know him the best you can and wait.  Make sure he serves the ideals that you do, make sure you support his dreams and that he supports yours. And love him, more than you love yourself, and you will discover what I have - Mr. Darcy is real, he is a flesh and blood man and he is shaped through time and circumstance and not by written words. 

Enjoy this day that the Lord has made, rejoice and thank God for all the Mr. Darcy's in this world.  I am so grateful for mine!! ~KW

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