Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pet peeve - bad parents

I don't get it.  As a parent given the awesome gift of a young life into your care how do you repay that honor with abuse or neglect?  I know a lot of people wanna look at me weird cause I'm a Christian and I choose to live my life by certain standards and that makes me an odd-man out.  I don't care about that.

I've heard and seen several instances of just plain bad parenting.  Leaving kids at home for hours at a time with no supervision, abandoning them with others for a weekend so they can go party and 'live'.  Then the obvious, dirty faced, shoeless kids at the grocery story wearing shorts in fifty degree weather.  The ones you just wanna take home, feed, give a hot bath, and hug on them for a little while.  I'm not known for being a 'softy', but I swear, if I had a house big enough and the money to support them, I'd fill my home with the kids no one wanted.

I'm in no way pretending that I'm perfect, or that I have some great insights into parenting that others can't have.  And maybe it is that God has shown me the value of life, and that each of us has this intrinsic value within us, and that value increases the younger we are.  God forgive me if I ever fail to look at a child and see anything but potential for greatness.

Bad parents are just those who don't value their kids.  Parents can make mistakes, mess up their lives and inflict pain on their kids, but children always forgive these shortcomings in the face of love and even without it.  Its when we stop trying, when we give up that its bad parenting.  We should never give up, we should always strive to do better and be more for the sakes of those that rely on us - we are their greatest influence in life.  God help me to always be the best I can be and to never give up on life and quit trying to be better.

Love you guys- don't stop trying!! Enjoy this day that the Lord has given you. ~ K.W.

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