Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Character Makeover!

I'm reading a book titled "Character Makeover" and it is literally, a makeover of the your personality characteristics.  I've realized in my young age, that all of my 'issues' stem from a lack of real character on my part.  It isn't from a lack of teaching, or preaching on my parent's part but from my own inability to put that teaching into action in myself.  I don't know why I didn't, but for me, the why is not as important as just changing it.  So I press on to that good thing - change.

The first lesson was on humility.  I've always considered myself a humble person, but I see now, that it was a false-humility.  I'm not saying I walk around in a prideful manner, thinking I owned the world.  But I am learning that true humility comes from confidence in Christ Jesus.  While I have always believed IN Him, I have not always fully believed ON Him.  Truly, there is a difference.  This book is teaching me a lot.  True humility does not involve humiliation but rather a recognition that I am nothing without the mercies of God, and God does not teach humility through humiliation.  All the things I can do, I can only do because of Him - and humility comes from realizing that without Him, all the things I can do mean and accomplish nothing unless He is my purpose for doing them.  His love and mercies towards all of us should be our source for true humility.

I believe 100% that God is trying to bring me to a place I have desired to be for so long - in balance.  I've felt balanced on some days, but I strive to wake up and feel it MOST days.  I want to be balanced in all things, and leave nothing on the edges of the scale.  It starts with me, though, and it is more than just desiring to change, this time I am doing something about it.  That feels good in and of itself.

I am so blessed today! I hope you are, too.  Enjoy this journey of life, it is a gift from God.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such a personal point-of-view, I love you so much and enjoyed your eloquent way of sharing :)
