Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Frustration, what to do with it?!

I've been experiencing a lot of frustration lately.  But I am that type of person who takes everything with a certain degree of seriousness.  Which is pretty ridiculous, considering.  So I asked myself, what do I do with all this pent up ... rage? And God asked me, what is it doing there in the first place?

Don't you hate when God gets all up in your cheese-whiz like that?!?!?! Well, He was right, of course.  I have no right getting upset over little things that I should learn to let go.  If I'm not perfect, what business do I have expecting everyone and every thing in my life to be perfect? Arrogance.  I am truly learning about humility and what it really means.  Trusting in God means accepting life's imperfections and allowing my heart and mind to learn and grow instead of letting the circumstance rule my life.  The book I'm reading said that all that time spent worrying and being upset did nothing but steal happiness from my life, and it is so true.  Well, no more.

Worrying and frustration seem easy when you've experienced it for a while with a certain degree of consistency.  Accepting it as standard is a fault all my own.  We should choose daily to count our blessings and accept what is and laugh in the face of adversity while we enjoy our loved ones. 

Be blessed and live life to the fullest with understanding!


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