Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What's love got to do with it?

Tina Turner's song aside, what does love have to do with it? What motivates us to do the things we do?

As a lifelong student of human behavior (that is often times bizarre at best), I've asked myself what was the motivation behind many of our actions.  As noted TV reporters ask stars what motivated them to become an actor it is most often recounted as a love of the genre, a love of being on stage, a love of approval and appreciation, a love of the material, etc.  Why does a single mother work long hours and go to school at night? most often it is love of her children.  Why does a parent give their child consequences when they misbehave? because they love their child and don't wish for them to grow up with bad behavior.Why do men lie about going fishing? because they love to go fishing. 

Love - the eros, romantic kind - what is it? Good behavior and bad alike, many of our actions are motivated by this emotion that has evaded proper definition by wordsmiths better than me.  The result of love's actions have been heralded in many form since the dawn of man.  Plays, sonnets, poems, movies - all showing us love in its different forms and demonstrating with no lack of eloquence or grace how love has shaped our lives and our actions.  People have changed around their whole lives for the love of one person.  To say that love is a powerful thing is understating the obvious.

How does love motivate you? How does love shape your actions?  I asked myself those two questions on my long ride home.  The long drive I made because it was Valentine's Day, and instead of staying a day or two extra with my parents, I decided it would be cruel to not be with my one true love, my husband, on this day.  A long-suffering romantic, I told myself my love for him drew me to his side, and his love for me wanted me there.  (Yeah, I'm sappy, admittedly.)  His joy at seeing me again was reward enough, and I was only gone for three days. 

But was it love? Was it a selfish desire to be with him? Valentine's Day is no great holiday and my husband and I like to think we celebrate our love all year long instead of just one day a year + our anniversary.  Was it my own need? or was it love that drove me home?

At the end of it all, I decided it didn't matter.  I would be a sad person, indeed, if I did not desire to spend every day of my life with the one person I've committed to spending my life with!  I also decided that because I did not mind this commitment or the work it involves (the compromise, the heartache, the frustration), I think this is love.  That despite all those things, I still wanted nothing else but to be with him on that day. 

My prayer for everyone is that you know the love of God, for He is love. If you seek romantic love, I pray that it is with a person who knows God's love.  It isn't a popular belief, but I believe that without God's love in the middle of the relationship and in the heart of both people involved, you are bound to suffer an unfair and painful end of it.    Matthew 6:33 [KJV] " But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Ask yourself today, what does love have to do with it?  Am I prioritizing my life right? Am I putting God first, and making Godly choices?  Am I wrongly allowing romantic love to influence the things I do and am I allowing that love to drive me to do things I don't really want to do? Be fair and be honest with yourself.  As always, I am here for any one who might need help sorting through these answers and questions.

Stop and enjoy your day that the Lord has made! ~ KW

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