Monday, February 21, 2011

You deserve a break today...

I've been too serious lately.  I get like that.  It's okay, though, it usually doesn't last that long.  So today, in honor of President's Day, I'm changing up my usual blog to one of pure observation.

For those of you who really know me, you know I like to study people's behavior.  I'm weird like that.  The people I like to study most, though, are my kids.  Greyson, my precocious five year old son, is the point of my post today. 

Recently, Grey has become infatuated with beauty products.  I don't really understand this, but he likes the way they smell, and their texture.  It is an awesome thing to behold.  About a month ago, he came up to me in the house and gave me a hug.  I grabbed his face for a sloppy kiss, and my fingers encountered a waxy substance instead of his typical kissable cheeks.  Upon further investigation, it seems Grey felt that because Chapstick had been so beneficial to his lips, that it would work equally well on his face.  It was hard, I can tell you, to keep a straight face when he said, "It feels nice, though!"  It was quite hilarious and he and I and Jordan enjoyed the experience.  It was equally as funny a week ago.  We had just got home from a trip out of town, unpacked our things from the trunk in addition to a few groceries that we stopped and picked up on the way home.  We were tired... or so I thought...

I literally had just plopped down on the couch to check emails and messages when Grey walked up and asked for a snack. (His nickname is "I'm hungry!") So I take a deep breath, just wanting a moment to catch my brain up with my body and open my eyes and... there was something weird about Grey's hair.  For those of you who know him, he has a head full of gorgeous curly black hair.  But not today, it was... white.  Upon further investigation, it also had a creamy texture.  And it had a distinctly feminine smell.  So I ask him, calmly, what was in his hair.  "I don't know" was the cool answer back.  So, Jordan, smells the white creamy textured hair and exclaims, "OH MY GOD THAT'S MY DEODORANT!!" 

It is hard to correct adorable children.  Especially when you are so tired you are giddy, and having fits of laughter.  So I did the only thing I could do, I gave him a bath. (And took pictures for posterity, of course.)

I think there are times when God says to us, "You deserve a break today".  And when we are in the middle of a seemingly endless stream of stressful events, God grants us windows of fresh air to serve as a reminder of why working hard and striving for better, is worth it.  For those of us blessed with children, we get this.  For those without, you still get it - you usually enjoy laughing at us while we are running in circles with our kids.  We all have our own 'breathers' in life, no matter the source of our smiles.  Either way, it's ok to stop and enjoy the moment.  We need to really learn to live in those moments and never forget who gave them to you.  God sees our lives and knows what we need in them.  So laugh, smile, enjoy the gifts that God has given us all. It's the little moments that make the big ones that much sweeter. 

Blessings to you all today and don't forget to enjoy the day that God gave you! ~ KW

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