Thursday, February 10, 2011


Quoting "Character Makeover" ... 'Pride that attacks others is a judgmental spirit, one which devalues others by tearing them down.  You'll notice this in women who are critical, irritable, intolerant, argumentative, and self-righteous.'

I love this book! It is plain-speaking like myself, and doesn't color words so they seem more acceptable.  But I gotta say, today's reading really hurt.   I honestly was going to skip humility cause I thought I kinda had that one under control.  I don't feel entitled or arrogant about things, but this book has held a magnifying glass up to my soul and I see that I'm very prideful.  No excuses for having to compensate for past hurts, or abuses by others, none of that, all of my actions are under my control and I have to accept that I chose to react to situations in a prideful manner, because my pride was hurt.  It is hard to recognize that it is one area where I had not taken things to God and really left them at His feet in their entirety and REALLY forgave.  How very ungracious of me, and how very prideful.

I may stop reading this book.  Just kidding, I won't, but I won't lie and say this is easy.  It's only a few days in and I'm reeling from it already!! But, it is all about whatever it takes to make a better Kim for the kingdom of God in the long run, because it isn't about me at all but Him.  Lord, help us to take the spotlight off of us and put it back on you.  Help us to check our hearts for hidden pride that exerts itself in judgmental attitudes, self-righteous spirits, criticism, irritability, intolerance and an unwillingness to learn, change, or receive correction.

Now, if  you don't mind.  I'm going to log off and bandage my wounds, I know I've lost a pound of flesh today, at least.

Enjoy your day, cause it is a blessing to be able to wake up and live the life God gave you.  ~ KW

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