Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Learning to laugh... at yourself!

Many of you who read these posts know me personally and know I am not known for my patience.  I can get frustrated, irritated, annoyed... kinda easily.  Sometimes.  Okay, more than sometimes.. but that is not what this blog is about!!!  I've been asking God to help me with my frustration, in fact, I asked Him to CURE me!! lol  Like I had cataracts or something, I asked for a healing! Know what He told me? Proverbs 17:22... A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.  

I've always heard the cheerful heart is good medicine bit, growing up in church and all.  But the crushed spirit dries up the bones?! WHAT?!? And God proceeded to tell me that all of those things I was allowing to irritate, frustrate and annoy me... were crushing my spirit!! Yeah, I was pretty shocked to, let me tell ya!! But then I thought about it... and He's right.  I mean, these things, these little things, were affecting me to the point that sometimes I'd allow anger to control my emotions and I'd ... ya know... slip a word.  I'd always feel immediately sorry I did it, and I'd be amazed that it could happen, cause I don't use those... words... but it would happen! Cause my spirit was crushed by the world and the circumstances I was facing.

So God took me back to Psalms 16:8, I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Apparently, I had moved so far away from God, the world was shaking me; shaking me with frustration, irritation.. in short.. stressing me out so much I lost my faith, for however short a time, to sin.  WOW! Me, I did that!! So, being contrite and humble, I asked God how could I stop this nasty pattern from repeating in my life.  And He told me, laugh at yourself.  Laugh at the situation.  Just.. laugh.  My anger wasn't going to move AT&T to get what I needed the other day.  Instead of losing myself over stuff I couldn't control, I needed to just laugh.  Sounds ridiculous.  At least to these mortal ears! So I tried it today.  Know what? It worked.  

Some of you know I've been having internet issues, where it would just shut off randomly.. usually in the middle of something important.  Anyway, after literally 3 months of fighting with AT&T over the issue I switched to Time Warner cable (whom I love, btw).  After getting everything installed last week (that took over 3 hours, I'd like to point out), the installer left me with the wrong modem.  So I go to the TW office and the guy tells me he is going to have to charge me for the correct modem... normally, at this point, I'd use my best "Dad" voice to inform him that ain't happening, etc.  Instead, I smiled, genuinely, and laughed. Not a 'in your face that ain't happening' laugh, but a real small laugh.  Immediately, before I can say anything, the guy says, 'You know what, mam? We should have taken care of this when we installed, let me get your modem for you.'  And on top of that, I got a free wireless router! I tell you folks, laughter IS a medicine. 

Life is made so much easier when you just obey God.  I have been making life so hard on myself by complicating things with my anger and frustration.  When all I had to do was laugh! 

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