Sunday, March 13, 2011

My feeble hand at poetry

After its own heart…

Step away from the bar of life and see the full menu
Exit the darkness of lifestyles swamped with things and see the light bright world outside
Dark desires breed in the shadows of dimly lit rooms
Pain of sunshine, closed eyes against the rays of exposure
There is no hiding the persistence of lust
The indebtedness of society with their driven longings for all things possess-able invades your consciousness like an ill-tuned song
You can hear the beat but you can’t dance to it in the light of day
Outside the drumming and thumping present an annoyance that needs to be drowned out with goodness
The rancid rancor of the world leaves that metallic bitter taste in the back of your throat
Try as you might, you can not drown out the ugliness of it all
You long for a sweet cool drink from the water well of heaven
I cannot remember where it is
I just know it is out there some where for me to find
I do not know if I’ve had it before, but I can still remember the taste
The savory smooth sweetness of good things
Why do we long for things that pass away under the glare of truth
Why do we see only the lies that are colored so prettily with false rainbows
The promises that have no follow through
The half-answered wishes of the world
The dark bar and seedy life draws people in like droves of cattle longing for a lick at the salt
No one sees the beauty in the simple life
Days gone by and long-forgotten are the fairy tales for bed time stories
Memories are tainted with broken hearts and sour grapes
Take away the driving bumping hard core jumping of bad music
Sing for me the sweet melodies of violins and harmonies of my forefathers
The romance of lace is not lost or forgotten but buried under sheets of bad music
Remember me as one of these
The patrons of the past and lovers of the lore
Do not forget the love of others that came before
Remember them well
Strive to live your life patterned after the success of simplicity
The single staccato of one drum that beats after its own heart…

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pet peeve - bad parents

I don't get it.  As a parent given the awesome gift of a young life into your care how do you repay that honor with abuse or neglect?  I know a lot of people wanna look at me weird cause I'm a Christian and I choose to live my life by certain standards and that makes me an odd-man out.  I don't care about that.

I've heard and seen several instances of just plain bad parenting.  Leaving kids at home for hours at a time with no supervision, abandoning them with others for a weekend so they can go party and 'live'.  Then the obvious, dirty faced, shoeless kids at the grocery story wearing shorts in fifty degree weather.  The ones you just wanna take home, feed, give a hot bath, and hug on them for a little while.  I'm not known for being a 'softy', but I swear, if I had a house big enough and the money to support them, I'd fill my home with the kids no one wanted.

I'm in no way pretending that I'm perfect, or that I have some great insights into parenting that others can't have.  And maybe it is that God has shown me the value of life, and that each of us has this intrinsic value within us, and that value increases the younger we are.  God forgive me if I ever fail to look at a child and see anything but potential for greatness.

Bad parents are just those who don't value their kids.  Parents can make mistakes, mess up their lives and inflict pain on their kids, but children always forgive these shortcomings in the face of love and even without it.  Its when we stop trying, when we give up that its bad parenting.  We should never give up, we should always strive to do better and be more for the sakes of those that rely on us - we are their greatest influence in life.  God help me to always be the best I can be and to never give up on life and quit trying to be better.

Love you guys- don't stop trying!! Enjoy this day that the Lord has given you. ~ K.W.